Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Luke 8:24  -  And they came to Him and awoke Him, saying, "Master, Master, we are perishing!"  Then He arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water.  And they ceased, and there was a calm.   


And - then
they - the disciples
came to 
Him -Jesus
awoke - it doesn't say the method they used, maybe shaking?  I don't know, but they were probably shouting the the following statements ...
Him, - Jesus
  • a person with the ability or power to use, control, or dispose of something
  • owner of a slave, animal, etc.
  • employer of workers or servants
  • male head of household
  • a person eminently skilled in something as an occupation, art, science
  • a person whose teachings others accept or follow
  • a worker qualified to teach apprentices and carry on a trade independently
  • the Master, Jesus Christ (actual definition found in the dictionary)
Master, - they repeated this name, not Jesus, but Master...
we - disciples and Jesus, everyone on the boat
  • causing destruction, ruin, extreme discomfort or death
  • to die or be destroyed through violence, privation, etc.
  • to pass away or disappear
  • to suffer destruction or ruin
  • to suffer spiritual death
Then - next
He - Jesus
  • got up from lying, sitting, kneeling
  • awakened
  • move upward; mount; ascend
and - next
rebuked - expressed sharp, tern disapproval of; reprove; reprimand

  • air in natural motion
  • gale, storm, hurricane
  • any stream of air as that produced by a bellows or fan
  • air that is blown or forced to produce a musical sound in singing or playing an instrument
and - also, in addition
  • angry fury; violent anger
  • fit of violent anger
  • fury or violence of wind, waves, fire, diseases, etc.
  • violent desire or passion
water.  - lake water
they - the wind and waves
  • stop, discontinue
  • come to an end
  • pass away, die out
  • put a stop or end to
and - then

  • without rough motion; still or nearly still
  •  not windy or stormy
  • free from excitement or passion; tranquil
  • freedom for motion or disturbance
  • wind speed of less than 1 mile per hour
  • freedom from agitation, excitement, or passion; tranquility; serenity
They went to Him, Jesus.
They called Him "Master" - twice!
They believed they were perishing - being destroyed
The wind was powerful.
The waves were raging.
Jesus got up when came to Him panicked.
Jesus rebuked - sternly reprimanded/commanded - the wind
The wind stopped.
The waves stopped crashing.
The surroundings were tranquil.


Remember where to go when in need.
Remember where to go when panicked.
Remember, when in the storm, I am not alone.
Remember His name is also Master - He is qualified to work in any of my situations.

Jesus, sometimes I forget I am not alone.  Sometimes I forget to call Your name in the middle of a storm.  Sometimes I get caught up in the crashing waves or the sound of the winds overwhelm me and forget that I can still listen to the Voice whom brings calm.  You are with me in storms and in times of tranquility.  I am not alone.  Forgive me for my short-term memory.  Thank You for loving me.  

Monday, July 14, 2014

But as they sailed He fell asleep.  And a windstorm came down on the lake, and they were filling with water, and were in jeopardy.               
- Luke 8:23

  • on the contrary; yet
  • except; save
  • unless; if not; except that
  • to the same degree, amount, or extent; similarly; equally
  • for example; for instance
  • *at the same time that; while; when
they - the disciples with Him in the boat

  • voyaged
  • move along or travel over water
  • managed a sailboat
  • journeyed by water
He - Jesus

  • passed into a physical, mental, or emotional condition
  • came by chance
  • state of sleep
  • into a dormant or inactive state; to rest
And - then

a - certain, particular

windstorm - a storm with heavy wind, but little or no precipitation

came - approached

  • from higher to lower
  • to the ground, floor, or bottom
  • to the point of defeat, submission, inactivity, etc.
  • into condition of ill health

the - specific

lake, - a body of fresh or salt water of considerable size, surrounded by land

and - the next thing

they - the disciples

were - past test of are

  • to make full; put as much as can be held into
  • occupy to full capacity
  • to supply an extreme degree or plentifully

water, - from the crashing waves of stormy lake




  • hazard or risk of expsoure to loss, harm, death, or injury
  • peril or danger
He fell asleep.  He must have needed it because it says He "fell asleep" He didn't "go" to sleep, what we do at "bedtime."  This was most likely an exhausted "My body needs rest" kind of sleep.

Jeopardy is no cheap word.  It is serious.  These guys were in trouble.  There were fisherman on board who were no strangers to being on the lake and have probably had some experience with storms while out on a boat.  Jeopardy is serious.

A boat filling with water, yes, that would be something serious.  Yet...Jesus is sleeping.  Does this speak to His exhaustion or ease of mind?  He is sleeping on a boat that is filling with water, not from a leak but from crashing waves and screaming wind.  Hysterical men on board.  He sleeps.

He had said to them,  "Let us cross over to the other side of the lake." They launched out. They sailed and He fell asleep.

Jesus said to do this.  They did this.  A storm came.

So, just because Jesus says "do this" does not mean it will happen without a storm.  Wow.  That just hit me.  How many times have I heard people say, "If God really called you to do this, then He would open the way?" Or, "If God calls you to it, He will equip you and everything will be smooth sailing."  I guess that second one is brought to light with this very verse, isn't it?  That brings me full circle in my thinking...who do I listen to? 

What people say with these two examples makes perfect sense to me. 

However, if Jesus is Who He says He is and Who I believe Him to be, then He knew the storm was coming.   He knew all along.  He knew before they got on the boat.  He knew and yet said, "Let us cross over to the other side of the lake."

I see that there might be times God wants me to do something even when He knows a storm will come. 

Oh, Jesus.  I say I want to listen to You, but when other people say things I listen to them.  By listen, I don't actually mean give ear to, I perceive what they are saying, I mean I am obedient to them or follow their advice.  Not because I trust them more, but because my pride doesn't want to give them anything to say about how I don't follow good solid advice.  Or my pride doesn't want me to be embarrassed because I said I think God wants me to do this and then a storm will come and what will they say then?  So it isn't really even about them, it is about me.  My pride.  What might they think of me?  Ugh.  That is my pride.  I "know" pride comes before a fall, yet there are times, too numerous to count, that I have believed You asked me to do or say something, but instead I followed my pride.  Jesus, help me.  I need Your Holy Spirit to remind me this is what I want, to follow Your lead.  I need Your Holy Spirit to convict me so that I will stop bowing to pride.  I ask for Your forgiveness.  I pray in Your name. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Luke 8:22 Now it happened, on a certain day, that He got into a boat with His disciples.  And He said to them, "Let us cross over to the other side of the lake."  And they launched out.

Now - at this point
it - this event
happened, - occurred, took place
on - indicates place, location, situation, etc.
a -
  • not a particular 
  • certain or particular
certain -
  • free from doubt or reservation; confident; sure
  • destine, sure to happen
  • inevitable; bound to come
  • established as true or sure; unquestionable; indisputable
  • fixed; agreed upon; settled
  • *definite or particular, but not named or specified
  • that may be depended on; trustworthy; unfailing; reliable
day, -
  • the interval of light between two successive nights; the time between sunrise and sunset
  • the light of the day; daylight
  • the portion of day allotted to work
  • a day on which something occurs
  • day assigned to a particular purpose or observance
He - Jesus
  • came to a specified place
  • to cause or cause to become; to do, to move, etc.  
  • to hear clearly
into - to the inside of; in toward
  • a vessel for transport by water, constructed to provide buoyancy by excluding wtaer and shaped to give stability and permit propulsion
  • a small ship
  • accompanied by; accompanying 
  • in some particular relation
  • characterized by or having
His - Jesus'
disciples. - the 12 personal followers of Christ
And - then
He - Jesus
  • expressed in words
  • stated an opinion or judgment
  • spoke
them, - the disciples with Him
  • allow or permit
  • to grant the occupancy or use of 
  • to cause to; make to
  • used to express a request, command, warning, suggestion, etc.
us - Jesus and the disciples
  • to move, pass, or extend from one side to the other
  • to put or draw across
  • to cancel by marking a line through
  • above in place
  • from one side to the other
to - used to express direction
the - specific
  • additional or further
  • different or distinct from the one mentioned or implied
  • the remaining one of two or more
  • one of the surface forming the outside of or boundary of a thing or the lines of a geometric figure
  • a region, direction, position with reference to a central line, space, or point
lake." - body of fresh or salt water of a considerable size
And - then
they - Jesus and the disciples
  • to set a boat/ship in the water
  • to float
  • to send forth, catapult, or release
  • away from
  • in or into the outdoors
  • state of exhaustion
  • to a point or state of extinction
It happened.
They got into a boat and launched out to cross the lake because Jesus said let's do it. 
There was no questioning. 
They trusted Him and didn't question Him when He said to cross the lake.  There was no question about the weather.  There was no question about the time of day.  He said "Let's cross over..." and they did.

I could take a lesson from this, such as: 
  • When I get that impression to do or say something, I could just do or say it without asking for 17 clarifications.  
  • I could just do or say it without asking why.  
  • I could just do or say it without asking for the blueprints of what His plan is before take that step and what will follow it.  
Jesus, I say I want to do what You ask me to do.  I say I trust You.  But my true wants are seen in action, aren't they? Remind me of my heart's desire to make my desires match Yours for me.

Personal note:  So much time has gone by between my notes and then starting to type this and finally finishing the typing of it.  In advance, I thank you for your grace through the process of my attempt at blogging study notes.  I hope to get better at this.  I will be making changes in the way I lay out my notes.  Thank you for your patience.  :)